Prayer Guides

Prayers To Help You Forgive

It can be hard to forgive people who have hurt you. However, God who forgives our sins, and helps us forgive others. If you need a short prayer for forgiveness, here are 5!

Prayer To Help Me Forgive Family

If your family has hurt you, it creates a deep wound. God created family to support and be there for one another. If anyone in your family has hurt you, when you forgive them it releases freedom and breakthrough.

Father, I thank you for my family that you have given me. Lord, I am hurting. They have betrayed me and hurt me so deeply. I want to forgive them but it is hard! Help me to forgive my family, just as you have forgiven me. Your word says to forgive 70 X 7! I pray right now, in the name of Jesus, that I would be able to forgive them for the hurt and heartache. As I forgive, I ask that your presence would fill me with the fullness of joy. Thank you, Jesus for your forgiveness. Thank you for restoring my family.


Prayer To Help Me Forgive My Spouse

There isn’t quite any pain like the pain of a spouse hurting you. Your spouse is your best friend, confidant, and biggest fan. However, we are all human. We all mess up and will eventually hurt our spouse. Sometimes knowing that we are all human can help you as you look at the pain your spouse has caused.

Jesus, my spouse has hurt me so deeply. I can’t even express how badly I am hurting. Please help me forgive my spouse. I want to forgive them but it is so hard. Remind me how much you have forgiven me, and that you want me to do that for my spouse as well. I know you love my spouse and you have already forgiven them for what they have done. Show us the next step that we need to take to continue to have complete healing and restoration. Thank you for being present with me and holding me when I am in so much pain. You are a near God. You are a loving God. In Jesus name,


Prayer To Help Me Forgive My Friends

Friends are so special! They bring so much joy and happiness to life. There is nothing quite like spending and afternoon laughing with a friend. But on the opposite of that, friends are human, and they can deeply hurt you. Sometimes friends are just there for a season and you grow apart.

Father, thank you that I can approach your throne in prayer. Thank you that you hear the words that I pray! Jesus, my friend has hurt me. You know just what that feels like, as your friends betrayed you as well. I thank you for feeling my pain with me. Help me to forgive them, just as you did on the cross. Help me to see my friend through your forgiving eyes and forgiving heart. God, show me what my next step is with this friendship. Thank you for helping me forgive.


Prayer To Help Me Forgive My Boss or Coworkers

This is hard. It’s not easy going to work when you feel bitterness in your heart towards your boss or the people you work with. Work is hard enough without feeling this way. I know God can help you forgive your coworkers. He helped me do that, and I know he will help you too.

Father, I come before you and I am upset. I am angry. My boss/coworkers have wrong me! It’s so hard going to work everyday when I feel this way and when I don’t know what they are going to do next. Help me forgive my boss for doing me wrong. Give me supernatural favor in their eyes. I ask that you would pave a safe path for me at work. Lead me and guide me everyday. Remove the people that are causing me harm and send in people who will live in peace. You are my good shepherd and my good father. I trust you even when it’s hard and the people around me are causing me pain. Just as David wrote “my foes encamp around me, but you will deliver me” I declare that over myself and my work. Thank you for your provision and favor. I release all unforgiveness towards them, and I ask that you fill me up with joy instead.


Prayer To Help Me Forgive Myself

Perhaps you have never thought about a prayer to help you forgive yourself. The truth is, every one of us has places in our spirit and heart that needs forgiveness from ourself. Have you every thought about your relationship with yourself? Jesus loves you and died for you, shouldn’t you love you! 😊

Father, thank you for loving me. Thank you for for loving me more than I can ever comprehend. Jesus, forgive me of my sins. I speak this prayer to help me forgive myself. ‘I forgive myself just as you have forgiven me!’ Jesus, show me how I am already forgiven in your eyes! You say you cast our sin as far as the east is from the west. I don’t have to think about it or remember it ever again. You went to the cross so that I could live whole, forgiven, and free. It is for freedom’s sake that I am set free! I choose to forgive myself, and I release it to you in Jesus name. It is done! Thank you so much for your redeeming grace. In Jesus name,


What Happens When We Forgiven Others

Forgiveness releases something in your spirit. Hold your head up high, and choose to walk in freedom over this situation. Yes, it may still hurt– God created us with emotions and feelings. But forgiveness is a choice and something that we need God’s help with. Once you’ve prayed these prayers of forgiveness, ask God to help show you what the next step is!

You are his child and he is so proud of you!

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