Spiritual Growth

How To Connect To God Spiritually

Maybe you just got saved, and now you have no idea what to do next. How do you connect with God?

Or maybe you used to be “on fire” for Jesus, but years got in the way and now you feel like you never knew him. You might be wondering how to connect with God again.

There is great news! You can connect with God—the living, breathing, God who created the heavens and the earth.

Jesus came so that we COULD connect with him.

Here are a few simple ways that you can have a close relationship with Jesus and connect with him again.

1. Connect with God Spiritually by Knowing His Heart as a Father

One way to connect with God is to learn his heart for you!

Luke 15. Take a moment to read this passage.

“the Father saw him from far off, and ran towards him with compassion, and kissed him.”

God is your Father.

He isn’t sitting up in Heaven waiting to condemn you or punish you.

He is ready to welcome you and run to you with open arms!

Some of us have had good experiences with our earthly fathers, and some of us have not. The good news is, is that our Heavenly father is the best father we could ever imagine.

As you read this story, is the Father’s heart condemning, judging, or unforgiving?

Does the Father in this story have an “I told you so!” personality towards the prodigal? No!

“While he was still a long way off, the Father saw him, and was filled with compassion for him.”

Compassion definition taken from Berkley University: Compassion literally means “to suffer together.” Among emotion researchers, it is defined as the feeling that arises when you are confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering.


While the son was still a way off, the Father had to have been watching and waiting for him to arrive. The MOMENT his son came back, he was ready to receive him with open arms and compassion! His child was on his heart the whole time he was gone. He was waiting his return. The father didn’t just have pity for his son, but compassion.

That’s the same with Jesus. So many times throughout the New Testament, you will find the phrase “and Jesus was filled with compassion.” He feels what you feel—he relieved our suffering for us by dying on the cross!

God the Father has compassion for you. You are his beloved daughter and he is waiting on you to run home to him.

He’s not waiting for you to arrive at his doorstep to punish you and say I told you so.

He says come home, my daughter! I want to give you my best. I want to give you all of me, all of my love, and lavish you with my goodness! I love you!

2. Connect with God through Forgiveness

Pray this prayer:

Heavenly Father, forgive me of my sins. I have sinned against you and you alone. Wash me clean, and I will be clean! Thank you for your cross and for taking away my sins. Help me to forgive myself and others. Amen.

Great news—you are forgiven! Yes, it’s that easy. You don’t have to do anything else or strive to be anyone else before you can connect with God. You are forgiven, don’t let any guilt or shame come into your mind.

Because of what Jesus did on the cross, you now can connect with God. He took your sins away—forever.

Remember to forgive yourself and others. It’s crazy, but when we harbor any unforgiveness within us, it can affect the condition of our spirit.

Now that you know God’s heart towards you is love, and now that you have forgiven yourself and asked God to forgive you, you can start to truly connect spiritually to the living God!

3. Follow A Spiritual Growth Plan

Follow this simple spiritual growth plan and connect with God.

It’s important to know that connecting to God can take time and diligence.

I’ve created a simple spiritual growth plan for you to follow to connect to God in your daily life.

All you need to do is find 10 minutes a day.

Connect with God Plan

Step One: Prayer to Connect With God

Start talking to God. Tell him how you are feel—be vulnerable. If you are mad at him, tell him you’re mad at him. If you feel he is a distant God, tell him that. He can handle it.

He loves when we come to him. He will meet you where you are at. Don’t think about prayer as some formula, just think about it as talking to a friend.

God, I feel so distant from you. I know deep down you are real, but I don’t feel you. Reveal yourself to me, that I might know you! I want to have a relationship with you!

Step Two: Read The Bible 

Read a chapter in Psalms before bed. The Psalms are great for connecting with God!

Step Three: Worship

Turn praise and worship music on. Listen to the words of the song, and begin to worship God in your spirit.

Think about who He is as the creator of the world. Reflect on His love.

Even if you don’t feel like worshipping (and you might not!) something powerful happens when you praise the name of Jesus.

Step Four: Journal

Maybe you aren’t a “journaler.” I challenge you to start!

Spend 1-2 minutes journaling/writing down anything that stuck out to you as you spent time following this connect with God plan.

Ideas: Journal what emotion you felt as you prayed, write down anything surprising or moving as you read the psalm, or write down any words of praise to Jesus.

Other Ways To Connect To God Spiritually

1. Read a Devotional Book

There are so many great devotional books out there! A few of my favorites are:

5 Minute Devotions for Mom: 150 Days of Peace, Prayer, and the Power of God

Grace Is Enough: A 30-Day Christian Devotional to Help Women Turn Anxiety and Insecurity into Confidence

2. Join A Community

Ideally this would be a local church. Gathering with other believers one ot two times a week is vital in growing your relationship with God. I also recommend you join the Joy In His Grace Facebook Group. It’s completely free, and it’s full of Christian women just like you, wanting to grow in their walk with Christ.

Connecting With God Brings True Joy

As you start to spend time with God, you will see that He alone, is who will satisfy your soul.

The more time I spend with God, the less I have desires for earthly things.

Find your joy in Jesus, and you will be filled. He loves you so much and is waiting on you to come to him–just as the father in the story of the prodigal son.

As you run towards him, know he is already waiting there. He celebrates you going after him!

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