Prayer Guides

Prayer for a Friend With Cancer

Cancer changes your world. If you have a friend or loved one recently diagnosed with cancer, here is a powerful prayer.

I was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago, and I know firsthand how meaningful prayers are when you have this disease.

Powerful Prayer for a Friend with Cancer

Pray this prayer for someone with cancer anytime they need encouragement. God hears you!

Heavenly Father, I lift up ___________ to you right now. ______ has been such a wonderful friend to me. I thank you for bringing them into my life! You created friendship and you had friends while you were on this earth. You know just how important friends are to one another!

Lord, you see him/her and you know exactly how they are feeling. Your word says that you catch every one of our tears! I ask that you reach out from Heaven and heal my friend from cancer in the name of Jesus. Jesus, by your stripes, ______ is healed in your name. You came to this earth so that we could have access to your throne and be healed. We look to you for healing and strength for ______. I pray right now that every cell would bow down to the name of Jesus. I pray that the effects of chemotherapy would only take out the bad cells and leave the good ones. May every doctor and every member of the medical team that is caring for my friend have wisdom. Guide their hands O, Lord. And finally Lord, I thank you in advance for your healing power. For the testimony that my friend, ______, is going to have because of you.


For more prayers for healing, read this prayer for healing and recovery.

Bible Verses to Pray for a Friend Diagnosed With Cancer

One of the most powerful ways we can pray is to pray the word of God. Read these scriptures out loud and proclaim them over your friend with cancer.

Replace any pronouns found in the verses with the name of your friend. For example, my name is Leah, so I would pray this prayer for a friend with cancer:

Isaiah 53:5

But He was wounded for Leah’s transgressions, He was bruised for her iniquities, The chastisement for her peace was upon Him, and by His stripes Leah is healed.

But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes, we are healed.

Isaiah 53:5

Jesus went to the cross so we could be healed!

Psalm 34:18

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. He protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken. Evil will slay the wicked; the foes of the righteous will be condemned. The LORD redeems his servants; no one will be condemned who takes refuge in him.

Psalm 34:18

As a cancer patient, I know what it means to be brokenhearted by this diagnosis. There is no peace like the comfort of God. Again, change the words to match your friend’s name, “The Lord is close to Leah who is brokenhearted…”

Psalm 6:2

Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am faint. Heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony.

Psalm 6:2

When we are faint and weak, we can rely upon and pray for the Lord’s strength.

Have mercy on Leah, O Lord, for she is faint. Heal her, Lord, for her bones are in agony.

Sometimes cancer patients battle severe anxiety, check out this Powerful Prayer to Stop Worrying to help you and your friend as they fight this battle.

May God bless you and your friend. To read more about me and my story:

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