Bible Studies

Does God Give Us More Than We Can Bear?

Does God give us more than we can bear? Is this a promise of God in the Bible?

I was recently listening to a sermon, and the theme of the message was to not be afraid of the virus going around.

I was actively listening and writing thoughts down in my note app on my iPhone.

“God has not given us a spirit of fear,”

Suddenly, I heard the preacher say, “and we know the Word tells us that God will not give you more than you can bear!”

And there it was.

“God will not give you more than you can bear” is a saying that I looked up in the Bible years ago, after hearing this quoted time and time again.

I wanted to know where exactly was this verse found?

I couldn’t find that scripture any where in the Bible.

So now, when I hear preachers “quoting” this scripture, I slightly cringe inside, because it’s just not an actual bible verse.

Does God give us more than we can bear?

I believe the following verse that is found in the Bible is misquoted and/or misinterpreted:

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

1 Corinthians 10:13

1 Corinthians 10:13

This particular verse is referring to temptation. It is not referring to people dying, sickness coming upon you, ect. Whatever we are tempted with, Christ will always provide a way out for us.

We will not be tempted beyond what we can bear.

Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God will not give you more than you can bear.

Encouragement in The Word

Even though “God promising us we won’t have more than we can handle” is not in the Bible, there is scripture that encourages us, and show us how, through Christ, all things are possible.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13

 Philippians 4:13

This particular verse was spoken by Paul.  Through Christ, he can persevere through every trial that comes his way. Paul endured many hardships and persecutions. Probably much more than you or I have endured.

But If Paul can do all things through Christ who gives him strength, then so can you!

We serve the same God.

When You Do Have More Than You Can Bear

Stories about children with cancer, loved ones who tragically die, battling an addiction you just can’t seem to shake.

You might imagine that if a tragic situation like that ever happened to you, it would be more than you can bear.

I know it would be for me.

People kill themselves and commit suicide over horrific events—-clearly it’s too much for them to bear.

...without Christ.

That’s the key difference between living a life with Christ and a life without Christ.

Christ Never Leaves Us or Forsakes Us

Christ never leaves us or forsakes us.

That’s the hope and promise that Christians do have. 

“Never will I leave you or forsake you.”

Hebrews 13:15

Hebrews 13:15

We are not promised that we will not be given more than we can handle.

Of all the promises in the Bible, are we ever promised tomorrow? No.

Are we ever promised a life (on this earth) without pain and suffering? No.

I wish that wasn’t the case, but it’s just part of living in a fallen world.

When God made the Garden of Eden for Adam and Eve, it was so that they could live a beautiful, sin-free, pain-free life. They were created for God’s enjoyment. But what happened the moment Eve listened to Satan and took a bite of the apple? They were kicked out of the Garden. They now had to work for their food and they now recognized sin.

The Modern-Day Church And The Prosperity Culture

A friend of mine recently posted how he is tired of seeing the culture in the modern-day church being one of prosperity.

It’s the if-you-believe-in-God-you’ll-have-blessings-and-no-hardships mindset. 

This idea really struck a chord with me, because it is how Christian culture seems to be these days.

It’s just not biblical.

It rains on the just and the unjust. (Matthew 5:45)

Look at any particular bible character and see the hardships, trials, death, and sadness they endured.

Murders, famines, plagues (hello 2020), disasters, wars—none of that screams prosperity and life without more than you can bear.

But what do all of these great men and women of the Bible have in common?

Hope in God and hope in Christ Jesus.

The one who never leaves us or forsakes us. The one who promises that in our eternal dwelling there will be no more pain or sorrow.

No more sickness or disease.

Every tear will be wiped away. (Revelation 21:4)

As believers we have:

hope and confidence

love joy, peace, and patience

strength when we are weak

a friend that sticks closer than a brother

a good Father who catches our tears in a jar,

but we are not promised to not have “more than we can bear.

9 thoughts on “Does God Give Us More Than We Can Bear?

    1. That saying was quoted to me right after my sister passed away. And I said in return oh yes he does but with Christ I can get through this. Because I’ll never get over missing her. My be left me behind. It has been unbearable and when it is I call on God for help to do this right and help me get through it, so I can enjoy my life he’s blessed me with. She’s saved and with Jesus. That’s my goal and to take as many as I can with me! This world is not my home.

      You’ve encouraged me thank you!

      1. Wow. I could not imagine the pain of that, and I am so sorry someone quoted this to you. This world is not our home you are so correct.

  1. The phrase: “And this, too, shall pass” is also NOT in the Bible either, but oftentimes is quoted as such.

    Be Blessed,

  2. I agree with you. Somewhere along in church history, scriptures are quoted wrong, repeated enough times, that people begin to believe that is what the Bible says. That is why it is so important to read the Word of God for ourselves, so we don’t hear the wrong, and believe wrong.

  3. You are spot on. People need to realize that God did not promise us a rose garden. He promised us a savior. God is love and love is God. Through our faith and love of God Jesus and the Holy Spirit any thing is possible.

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